Monday, June 29, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

Dear Amelia -
You've been practicing your crawling skills for about a week now. You've successfully moved forward (I have a video from Saturday or you scooting, I'll download it tomorrow.)

Friday night we didn't do much. Just sat around. 

Saturday, we got up around 7 and snuggled in bed but not for long. We had a lot to do. We cleaned the house and went to Target all before 10am. You looked so pretty in your new dress.
At 1, we made the trip up to Coon Rapids for Ashley's Graduation Party. 

We stayed until 3 then we ran home, fed Norman and went to Bloomington for Shannon's grad party. We stayed there until about 630 THEN drove up to the Bihl farm for Jason's 30th Birthday party. It took us about an hour to get there. You got to stay up a whole hour late. When you started getting sleepy, we just put your pj's on and put you in your carseat where you slept until it was time to go home around 11. You slept the whole way home and didn't even mind when we put you in your crib once we got home. You slept until 8am Sunday morning. 

Sunday - We picked up tickets for Mommy to see Kelly Clarkson at the State Fair in the 5th row!!! Yessss! I can't wait. We wanted to do something fun like go to a fair but there weren't any around so we took naps instead. At 5, Sarah and Justin came over for dinner. You played on the floor while we chatted.

It was a busy Saturday and a nice relaxing Sunday. Its a short work week this week! Yippie! Daddy has uncle Billy's bachelor party this weekend at the land. He's looking forward to it but we sure will miss him. Lucky for us...Pam and Jax come in town this weekend so we'll have people to hang with! 


Friday, June 26, 2009


Dear Amelia -
Yesterday, 2 legends past away. First, in the morning was Farrah Fawcett. She was a 70's icon. She had cancer and was expected to pass. In the afternoon after I picked you up from Kiki's, Glamma called  and said "Did you hear Michael Jackson died?" You were sound asleep in the back seat. Once we got home,  I made you a bottle and we watched CNN for awhile. I talked to Molly and we both agreed that Michael Jackson will be to our kids like Elvis was for us. A major icon (Lydia's fav) that we never had the experience of knowing first hand. Michael Jackson was a HUGE deal in the 80's when Daddy and Mommy were growing up. He had some legal troubles in the early 2000's but none the less, he was and will be a legend. I wanted to make sure to share this with you because this is one of the biggest news story death's of my life time (maybe tied with Princess Diana's death.) He was 50 years old.

Anyway, you had a great day with Grandma Kiki and Great Grandma Gigi yesterday. You visited Bumpa in the hospital. It sounds like you really cheered up the whole floor while you were there. Kiki said they play "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" everytime a baby is born at Fairview, isn't that a fun fact? So you were in the hospital when a life was brought into the world! Cool!

Today you are hanging out with Martha in the morning and then Glamma is going to swing by and pick you up for the afternoon.

We have a busy weekend! Tomorrow, we are going to start by going to Ashley's graduation party, then on to Shannon's grad party and we'll finish the night at Jason's 30th birthday party! Thats a long day for a baby, you'll do great! 


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Big Girl Sippy Cup

Dear Amelia -
Tuesday, nothing much happened. After work, you and Daddy met me at the car shop to pick up my car. They wanted $1425 to fix my car! NO WAY! I can deal with pumping gas super slow...not worth that much money to get that fixed! After that, we stopped by to say hi to Papa Jim then went home. 

Wednesday, you went over to Aubrey's and had a fabulous time! It was a beautiful day. You went for a walk and hung out. You must have had fun because on the way home, you fell asleep. You woke up a few minutes before Daddy got home from work. We played lots. You love to stand at the table. Normally I put my legs around you incase you fall. I took my legs away for one second and you fell over. Hard. Your head hit the floor so hard. Poor baby. You bounced back quickly and were your usual happy self.

After that we tried out your big girl sippy cup. You figured out how to work it! YIPPIE! Now we can tell the doctor we've been practicing! 

Today is another beautiful day and Grandma Kiki is going to take you to the pool. She's just going to put your feet in tho because Daddy and I want to be there for your first pool experience! 


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

(Diet) Ice Cream

Dear Amelia -
I forgot to show you this picture of your first try of ice cream. It's a weight watchers fudgesicle. You loved it! Not too bad for only 1 point huh? :) This pic is from Sunday night. 

Last night we dropped of my car to get fixed and picked up Glamma's car for a few days. Then we went home, had dinner and played. I was singing "Old McDonald" to you last night and we got to the sheep. I said "Baa baa here and a baa baa there..." and you just keep repeating "baa baa baa baa" over and over again. You are too dang cute. So smart!

This morning, Daddy called to say you are really starting to move forward. Not just backwards or up on your hands and knees. He said you dig your right knee in the ground. You'll get there soon! In the mean time, you love to jump in your bouncer.
Its already 92 degree's out so you and Daddy are just going to hang at home today. I wish we had a swimming pool!


Monday, June 22, 2009

Fathers Day Weekend!

Dear Amelia -

Well, we started Fathers Day weekend without Daddy. You drove up to Annandale with Robin and Glamma. Meghann, Martha and Finn were already up there. We tried to go out on the boat but the rain came before we could even leave the dock.

We had dinner and put you babies to sleep. You slept great! Mommy came to bed late. You woke up at about 5am and just want to snuggle with Mommy for a little bit. About 6, Glamma came in and got you. Glamma and Martha had to be on the road by 7 to catch their flight to go visit Billy, Pam and Jax!

You and I got on the road about 10am after chitchattin with Meghann and Finn for awhile. Its sure fun to have another friend who has a baby! On our way home, we stopped and got Daddy's fathers day gift. A game for his PS3 and a blue tooth head set so he can chat with Chitwood while they play eachother. When Daddy got home, we just hung out. Sunday, Daddy had to work...on Fathers Day...lame. So you and I went to Target to waste some time. I made meatloaf (with some changes to make it more healthy,) mashed potatoes and corn. It was nummy. You played lots with Norman. He even crawled on the floor to play with you.

Check out your cut outfit. Lydia and I picked it out when we were in Milwaukee!

Daddy sure is special. He's more than I could ask for in a husband and father for you! Here's a picture of the two of you the day you were born. I love this picture.

Other than that, you are so close to crawling! It also seems like you are wanting to pull yourself up a lot more. You try but can't quite do it. You love to stand while holding something though.

Its super hot out the high 90's so we are just going to hang inside for the night.


Friday, June 19, 2009

Day with Robin!

Dear Amelia -
I picked you up at Kiki's new place yesterday. Its such a perfect place for her to be! She's going to love it there plus we can go swimming anytime we want :) You got to hang out with Gigi for the day too! GG Bumpa is still in the hospital with pneumonia. We'd love to go visit but we don't want to get him sick so we just send our love thru Gigi and Kiki. 

After Kiki's, we went over to Glamma and Cookies to meet them for dinner. You had your dinner before we left and we headed to Spasso for dinner. It was delish as usual. It was so nice to catch up with Joy, Don and Kelly. You were great. You cried a little bit but thats because it was past your bed time. I brought you back to Glamma and Cookies to get you ready for your sleepover. Once G & C got home, I got your stuff ready and left some notes. Robin was nice enough to accept our babysitting plead today. I hope you are behaving for her this morning! 

Glamma is working a half day (summer hours, lucky!) so you, Robin and Glamma are going to head up to the Miller's cabin around 1 today. I'm hoping to leave work around 330 so I can be to the cabin by 430. 

I can't wait to see you! 


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Big girl cart

Dear Amelia -
Aunty Aubrey said you took lots of naps yesterday. You must have needed them! When I picked you up, you were sound asleep. You looked so precious. Aubrey and Doodie gave you a PRESENT! Your belated 6 month birthday present. A new outfit! Woo hoo. Its super cute. I'm going to have you wear it next Wednesday when you are at their house for the day. That sure was thoughtful of them! 

You and I ran home quick let Norman out then we met Daddy at Dick's Sporting Goods to look for life jackets. I fed you in the parking lot then we went inside and walked around for a bit until Daddy met up with us. You sat in the cart like a big girl! 
We tried one life jacket on at Dick's but it didn't fit correctly so we moved on to Sportsmart. BINGO! We found the perfect life jacket. Yeah! Now you can be comfortable on the boat. We are going to save the other one for when Jax is in town so we can all be on the boat! 

We went home and I needed to gather all of your stuff for your sleepovers. Tonight's sleep over at Glamma & Cookies then the sleepover at the Millers cabin. Thats a lot of stuff to get ready so Daddy fed you. You fell asleep right away and slept until 5 this morning. We are getting better!

Tonight we are going out to dinner with Glamma, Cookie, Joy, Don and Kelly! Fun! Pics to come.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Happy 7th Month Birthday Jax!

Dear Amelia -
I was surprised to hear that you only took 2 short naps yesterday. I thought since you didn't sleep well, you'd be a good little napper for Daddy. That's okay. He doesn't mind. Papa Jim came over and played with you for a little bit yesterday afternoon. He was gone by the time I got home. After work, we went with Daddy to have him get fitted for his tux for Billy and Pam's wedding. He sure looked handsome. It was a yucky rainy day so we went back home and hung out. You have a new favorite way to sit in your highchair...
You fell right to sleep last night. You've been having some tough nights lately as you know from reading your blog. Last night you woke up a number of times. At 3, you meant business. I wanted to check your temp but you were squirming. Daddy came in to check on us. Good thing too. He held you down while I took your temp. No temperature. Phew! Daddy made you a bottle while I rocked you. You must have been hungry...kind of. You ate a little. I was so tired, I cried. I just feel so bad for you. Daddy said "I wish there was a way that I could be sick for her." You poor baby. I called the nurse line today and they said you probably just have a cold. 

You seemed better this morning. Happy and ready to hang out with Aubrey! 

Tonight we are meeting Daddy at Dick's sporting goods to buy you a new life jacket. We also have to get your stuff organized for your Thursday sleepover at Glamma's and our Friday night sleep over at Finn's cabin! 

Speaking of Finn...Daddy and Mommy just bought our tickets to Arizona for the Weston and Meghann's wedding. You are going to stay with Kiki. Its not for awhile yet but its going to be a fun time for all!


PS - I keep forgetting to update on my Weight Watchers. As of today, I am down 9.6 pounds. Super. :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My baby is sick :(

Dear Amelia -
Mommy has been fighting a virus since Friday and guess who else is sick now :( Yup, you! When I got home from work, I noticed your eyes were all watery and goopy. But the show had to go on...we were getting out house refinanced, finally. You came with us and were adorable as usual. After we closed with Sarah, we took her and Justin out for dinner at Bunny's. It was delish. We even ran into Sally H, a Stephens family friend at Bunnys. It was great to see her. It had been much too long. When we got home, we took your temp. 100.7. Good thing for Daddy because if I were home by myself, I would have freaked. He calmed me down and we looked on the internet and it said no to call the doc unless its over 102. Phew. 

You enjoyed your dinner...
Side note: Do you like your new high chair cover? Its still not the one I ordered in March but Mommy called and complained and got you another one for free. We are still expecting the other one but I almost like this one better. 

After dinner, we put you to bed. You fell asleep right away but were crying within an hour. It took Daddy an hour to get you back to sleep. I don't think you could breathe very well because you were awake once an hour for the rest of the night. Poor baby. When we checked on you this morning, you had all sorts of dry boogers. Since you didn't feel good, you laid in bed between Mommy and Daddy for about 30 mins until it was time for me to get up for work. 

Tonight, Daddy has to go get fitted for his tux for Billy and Pam's wedding. After that, we are going to go look for a new life jacket for you. Something a little more comfy :)


PS - If anyone is looking to refi, Sarah really knows what she's talking about. I'd be glad to hook you up with her. She's great!

Monday, June 15, 2009

First Boat Ride

Dear Amelia -
We had a great rest of the weekend. Saturday, you and I hung out while Daddy worked. He got home around 2ish. We ran some errands and then came home to finish up cleaning and getting ready for people to come over! There were about 15 of us at our house Saturday night. Molly, Owen, Matt, Awesome Uncle Aldo came up for the night, Kia, Jason, Teegan, Sarah, Justin, Mommy's old from from high school Erin came by, Pon, Omer, BJ and the 3 of us. You stayed up late. Daddy put you to bed while Mommy mingled. You didn't sleep very well. Maybe too loud? You are a trooper.

We woke up Sunday morning. I still wasn't feeling well from Friday so I went to the minute clinic at Target. Virus. Blah. They gave me some meds and I was on my way. Before I left, Alex and I were talking how awesome it would be to go out on the boat. As I was picking up the phone to call Cookie, I saw I had a missed call from him. I called him back and he asked if we wanted to go out on the boat. HECK YEAH WE DO! So, you took a ride in Alex's car over to Glamma and Cookies so Daddy could sleep and I could go to the minute clinic. While at Target, I picked up a new suit for myself and a life jacket for you. I headed home, got ready and Daddy and I met up with you at Glamma and Cookies! We were off for our boat ride...

You were feelin super cute in your swimsuit! I won't lie, I was a little nervous for your first boat ride. I knew everything would be fine, I was just a little scared. 
Once we got on the boat, you were starving! You had 10 ounces!
The boat put you right to sleep...for over 2 hours! Check out the way the lifejacket pushes your cheeks together! So cute! 
Here are you and Glamma on our way back home.
This pictures doesn't do it justice but I had a really bad sunburn. I also have a big spot on my arm where you must have touched me after I put sunscreen. I have a little white hand print in my arm.

You did great on the boat and I'm not longer nervous about taking you out. We are having a babies, Moms and Grandma's day up at the Millers cabin on Friday so I'm going to buy you a more comfortable life jacket!

Daddy called and said you have a temperature this morning. When I went home for lunch, you didn't seem crabby or anything so I'm not too worried about it.

Tonight we are FINALLY closing on our refinance for our house! It feels like our hard work is finally paying off and we are going in the right direction! YEAH! 


Saturday, June 13, 2009


Dear Amelia -

You are probably so sick of hearing how busy Mommy is at work, but its the truth. Momma's gotta make the money, honey! The sales guys at work have been pulling in some BIG clients which makes it a busy time for your Mommy. So that is what I will blame the lack of blogs on once again.

Thursday -

Great Grandpa Bumpa came home from the hospital so we had to find some other babysitting arrangements for the day. So, Cookie watched you in the morning and I worked from home Thursday afternoon. I don't think I'm going to be able to do that again. I didn't get much work done. Its hard to do work when you don't have all of your documents and stuff. While we were hanging on Thursday at home, we got a call from Uncle Billy. He got his orders. I was expecting him to say "Here we come San Diego.." but instead, they are headed to Hawaii. I wasn't sure what to think at first. I cried a little. Its so far away and expensive. It'll be such a cool experience for them though. Who can say they lived in Hawaii for 4 years? Not many people. Plus, we'll have a free place to stay. Mr Stephens is saving up so you can fly out to visit. :)

After Daddy got off work on Thursday, he wanted to go look at cameras. We drove out there to meet him but even before we got there, he bought one! Yippie. So, that's Daddy's fathers day present. That's what he wanted...

We got a bite to eat at Panera, then went home. As we were feeding you, Lars stopped by for a short visit. Then it was time for bed.

Friday -

Glamma and Cookie's house was being cleaned so Molly, Matt and Owen watched you over here for the day. I got a text from Molly in the morning saying...

"Amelia is bouncing in her chair and when she started to whine, Owen went over and started running her head and said "Amelia, you are so pretty-ful"

He is going to be such a good big brother when Colton arrives.

You guys also went over to Anner's for a bit. Daddy got off work a little early so they brought you back home and went back to their house. When I got home, I wasn't feeling too good so we just ate dinner, watched tv, did your nightly thing and went to sleep. You and I were both asleep by 8pm.

Today (Saturday)

Daddy is at work. You woke up at 530, I fed you then you took a short nap. You are so happy in the morning!

Tonight we are having a bon fire! We have some yard work and cleaning to do before our guests arrive.



Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Dear Amelia -
Yesterday was a lot like Monday. You and Daddy hung out all day. When I got home, we stayed inside because it's been yucky out this week! 

You played in your bouncer for a bit...
Then we made fun of your thighs for a little bit...
You didn't like that so much...poor baby!

We played lots last night. You love to stand (with assistance)  at the table and bang your hands.
After you played at the table...Daddy scared you, you only thought it was scary for a second...then you laughed and laughed. It was hilarious. You are one funny baby!

You went down early again. You cried for about 15 minutes but after that, you went right to sleep. You did wake up at 430 very unhappy. After you crying for 45 minutes, I went in and rocked you. You slept until 7 this morning. Hope you are having a fun day with Aubrey!


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Sam and Congrats Shan!

Dear Amelia -
We really don't have too much to discuss today. And I didn't take any pictures yesterday. Shame on me! 

You and Daddy went to Sam's club yesterday morning, took naps, played video games until I got home at 445. Dinner was waiting for me when I got home (yes, we eat early!) and so was a happy baby! You were so excited to see your Mommy. We ate dinner and played all night. You were so tired so we decided to put you to bed early since you haven't been sleeping all that well lately. We did our normal thing...Mommy feeds you baby food and then oatmeal, then you move on to Daddy for the bottle. We started this a little before 7 and you were downstairs by 715. You cried for about 15 minutes and then you were ASLEEP! No rocking, no fell asleep all by yourself. Daddy was a little nervous. "Its quiet down there, do you think everything is okay?" I snuck a peek in your room and you were fine. Maybe you just thought it was a nap because you woke up crying about an hour later. We let you cry for about a half hour. I rocked you for about 10 minutes and you were out for the rest of the night. 

I wish I could take a pic of your little tooth coming in but you won't let us. 


PS - Today is Sam Mayer's Birthday. He's celebrating in Europe for his last few days there. He's been there since January and will be back in about 2 weeks! Happy Birthday Slammer!

PPS - Shannon Kruger graduates from Jefferson High School today! Congrats Shan!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Rainy Weekend

Dear Amelia -
After our long night on Friday night, you and I hung low all day Saturday. We cleaned, ate and napped. Thats about it. Daddy got home from work at a decent time. We rented "He's just not that into you" and did nothing. It was cold and rainy outside. Perfect weekend to do nothin! Saturday night, you took a bath without you baby bath! We got this idea from Jane...Thanks Jane! You loved it. It made you feel like such a big girl!
After your bath, you looked at how pretty you are. You love to look in the mirror at yourself. You are so pretty. 
Saturday night we got you to fall asleep around 930 after giving you a warm bottle. You have only been wanting to fall asleep if being held lately. Is it because of your teeth? Something else bothering you? What is it? We want to help. 

Sunday, we woke up around 7 and were sick of sitting in the house so we went over to Glamma and Cookie's for a few hours. Glamma got you a super cute bib...isn't this cute? Almost as cute as your face!!
After you ate...we went with Glamma to pick out a new comfy chair for the Queen (Glamma.) We went to Schneiermans, Hom and Slumberland. You fell asleep in the car but not for long. After we got back, you had another bottle then we headed home for a nap. We snuggled in Mommy and Daddys bed until Daddy got home around 530. 

Here you are having your dinner. You love your oatmeal!  

Both you and Daddy are tired this morning. You didn't fall asleep last night until 11! Tonight, we are going to let you cry for an hour...we'll see how that goes. Hopefully no one calls the cops on us :)


Saturday, June 6, 2009

1st tooth

Dear Amelia -
I need to do a Saturday update. Last night, we spotted your first tooth coming through! This caused a rough night for all of us. You've been pretty whiney and nothing helps you get comfortable...except tylenol. But we don't want to drug you up too much. We gave you some before bed. You fell asleep upstairs again. You slept until 4, I tried to let you cry it out but I felt too bad. For about an hour, I rocked didn't make a peep but would not fall asleep. Then I gave in and gave you more tylenol. While I was upstairs getting that, I got a blanket and pillow. I put you in your crib and I laid on the floor so you could see me. That didn't help. I snuggled with you on the floor but you just wanted to play. I was tired, so I put you in your crib again and left the room. I even turned off the monitor and let you cry. You fell asleep after awhile. You've been off most of the day. You've taken about 4 naps (1 2hour 45 min nap with Mommy.) Hope this pain goes away soon for all of our sakes.

Pictures to come...


Friday, June 5, 2009

Bumpa Update

Dear Amelia -
I think you missed Kiki yesterday because you sure were CRABBBBY! You were crabby when I picked you up but then, we were sitting on the porch. Daddy and I were talking. Out of the corner of my eye...I saw you do a face plant while playing on the floor. You cried...hard. I brought you in side but nothing would help. Not even the mirror which usually makes you smile and laugh. Poor baby. I think the combo of being tired, hitting your face and being hungry made you just have enough. You fell asleep again while Daddy fed you your bottle. This time we were smart enough to put you in your pj's before your bottle. You were in your crib by 715. By 745, you were crying. I swung in and rescued you. I snuck you in bed with me until Daddy came down to say goodnight at 8 (Mommy was tired last night too.) You slept until about 6 this morning. I hope you are being a good girl for Molly and Matt today.

Update on Great Grandpa Bumpa. Sounds like he's feeling pretty good. He's in good spirits and we plan to go visit him today after work. Kiki told Daddy that the color is back in his face and he's been chipper. 


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Great Grandpa Bumpa

Dear Amelia -
Its Thursday, but you might be a little confused because you are not with Kiki. Last night, we were at Target and we got a call from Kiki. Her dad, Daddy's bumpa had to have emergency open heart surgery yesterday. I had asked Daddy to call Kiki to make sure she was up for watching you on your normal Thursday. He was busy at work and never got a chance to ask. When Kiki spoke, she sounded so sad. Bumpa wasn't up yet, they weren't expecting that to happen. She was having dinner with Great Grandma Gigi, Jody and Lori waiting to go back to the hospital. She had said she wasn't going to be able to watch you. She would miss you terribly but she needed to be at the hospital. I told her not to worry about you and to let us know if there was anything we could do. Aubrey agreed to watch you in the morning and then I got a hold of Molly who was staying at Glamma and Cookie's. She said she wouldn't mind watching you either. Phew, I knew you were in good hands with those two.

We haven't heard an update on Bumpa yet today but Daddy called Kiki to get one and to see if we could go down to the hospital for a short visit and maybe to bring some snacks and magazines for the ladies. 

I'll have an update tomorrow. In the mean time, we'll be thinking about him lots.

Last night you fell asleep with Daddy while you were in the middle of your bottle. Too cute...

We just put you to sleep in your outfit from the day. We knew you wouldn't mind.

Here you are this morning in the super cute sweater that Nicol and Kellee gave to you! It was a bit chilly this morning but now its beautiful!


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Quick Blog

Dear Amelia -
Sorry again for the lack of blogs. Work has been so busy lately! That's a good thing :)

Monday - Nothing to report and Daddy hung out during the day. When I got home from work...we sat out in the porch while Daddy read a book! Harry Potter
Tuesday - You and Daddy hung out until until about 11 and then Aunty Pam came over and dropped of JACKSON for the whole day!!! How nice of a Daddy/Uncle is Daddy to watch you both in one day...all by himself. Sounds like you guys had a great time. Once I got home from work, Daddy took Norman to the park. Me, you and Jackson hung out in the porch waiting for the rest of our guests to arrive. 
At 6, Pam, Glamma and Gram Gram came over for dinner. We had chicken, Potatoes and Asparagus for dinner. It was delish. Everyone was gone by 730 just in time for your dinner! 

Sorry for the short blog...more tomorrow!


Monday, June 1, 2009

Paulson Wedding

Dear Amelia -
We had a busy weekend! Friday, after work, I headed over to the Colehour's to get you and you were hanging out with Glamma. We rushed home, I fed you and we waited for Daddy to get home so we could go to Cassidy's Graduation Party. She graduated from De La Sal the day before. Check out your cute outfit! 

We got there and talked with Trishy for awhile. You had just fallen asleep in the car so your mood wasn't quite right the rest of the night. We talked to the rest of your great aunts and uncles and Great Grandma Carmen. Right as Mommy and Daddy started to eat dinner, you were not having it. You cried so that meant it was time to go home. We had to make a quick stop at Toys R Us to buy you a pack n play. Then it was time to go home and put you to bed!

Saturday - Your 7th Month Birthday!! We woke up and hung out with Daddy for a bit. You got a bath...

We hung out with Daddy for a bit before he left to help Kiki move. While he was gone, we straighted up the house and packed for our sleepovers. You were going to Kiki's for the night because Daddy and I went to Chelsey and Ryan's wedding. We slept over at Glamma & Cookie's for the night. We dropped you off at Kiki's around 3 and you hung out with GiGi (Great Grandma Babcock) while Bumpa and Kiki moved some stuff. Sounds like you did a fantastic job as usual. 
We had a great time at the wedding! Everything was beautiful. Including your very own Mother. hehe :) Tooting my own horn, I do that a lot so get use to it. 

Daddy even danced!! We did miss uncle Billy though!

Sunday - We picked you up at Kiki's around 11. When we got home, you took a nap so I decided to take one too. A 3 hour nap. It was great. After I woke up, I took you over to your boyfriend Finn's house because I had his Mommy's phone. We talked to them for a bit so Daddy could have the house to himself for a little bit and take his own nap. Here is a picture that was taken a few weeks ago with You, Glamma, Martha (Finn's Momo,) and Finn!

When we got home, we had dinner and went to McDonalds for an ice cream cone. Glamma is probably thinking "that's not on weight watchers" but it is! Its only 3 points for one of their cones. You had a taste, you loved it! You have a milk mustache...
and then you stood at the table by yourself. Even Norman looks surprised! 

We had such a fun weekend! We are happy to have nothing going on this up coming weekend :)
