Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Stephens' Trip Home!

Dear Amelia -
On Friday, I took the day off work and had you stay home from daycare to welcome home the Stephens! Their flight came in at 830am so we had an early trip to the airport. We met Glamma and Cookie there as well. Cookie spotted them walking down and Jaxy started to run to you. That's when I started to cry. I was so happy to have all 3 of them home!! Uncle Billy hadn't been home since August 2010. 
 You and Jaxy picked up right where you left off in January. You two are so cute together!
 On Saturday, we had a big party at Glamma and Cookie's so people could say welcome home to Billy. It was another fun garage party.
Saturday, you also had Dance!! It was Daddy's first time being able to attend the class. You are SO cute, check out the look at the end of this video...


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