Oops, Mommy forgot to blog yesterday!
Monday - You had your day with Daddy. You guys didn't do much during the day. Eat and nap...sounds like a perfect day to me. Oh, I take that back. I think you were a little crabby. You have a little diaper rash going on. We met at Applebee's for dinner then went to Target for some groceries and stuff for you! We got you some new 6 month shorts but they are too small. After Target, we came home and hung out in the porch. You are sooo going to crawl soon. Here you are practicing!

Tuesday - You and Daddy got up before I left for work. Daddy got you dressed in a Twins get-up.
Around your nap time yesterday, Daddy was outside trying to fix a broken glass pane when he cut himself, bad. He cut the tip of his knuckle off. He texted me to tell me this had just happened. I called him and told him he needed to go get stitches. He refused. He called Grandma Kiki who came over and helped him get himself cleaned up (even big boys need their mommy's help sometimes!) Kiki also thought he needed to go get stitches. After he told me that she also suggested it, I asked him to go. Again, he refused. Finally he came to his senses and said he'd go after work. I told him it was too late at that point. When I got home, he said it was fine and I wasn't going to make him go. He really should have gone...for the record :) So, one day when you ask him where that big scar on his knuckle came from...we can look at this blog to remember.
Anyway, Daddy said you were in a great mood all day! When I got home from work, you greeted me with a big smile. We had dinner and hung out all night. You took a late nap which didn't make bed time easy. We put you down at 8 and you cried for awhile so I went and rocked you to sleep but you didn't sleep for long. Then Daddy tried. Again, you fell asleep but the second you got in your crib, you woke up. You finally fell asleep.
Today is going to be hot! 90 degrees! So I put you in a 9 month outfit that Glamma bought for you. The shorts are too small! My tall girl...
Pam and Jax made it into town safe and sound yesterday. We can't wait to see them!
you don't get stitches in your hand, knuckle head, you get them in your pretty face. Compress and clean is the way to go, be proud of your scars below the chin! Mr Stephens