I cannot even tell you how much I missed you this weekend.
Thursday night - Star Party! It was amazing. I love Kelly Clarkson!

You and Daddy hung out while I was at the concert.
Friday - You and I woke up early to get ready for you to go to Glamma and Cookie's and for me to get ready for the cabin. I took you over to Glamma and Cookies around 9 and hung out for a bit. You two had a play date with Martha and Finn. Sounds like you had a great time. You went for a walk and to some garage sales. Glamma said you slept well, as usual.
We got up to the cabin around 3ish and hung out until the other car of girls arrived. There were 8 of us total. Mommy, Katie Elden, Katie Hughes, Kathy, Kia, Sarah, Wendy and Sara. One of the girls announced that they are pregnant this weekend. I'm not allowed to say who because she needs to tell some others still but it was very exciting! Friday night, we stayed up late and laugheddd!
Saturday - You, Glamma and Cookie went to your first Art Gallery Showing. You also went out to lunch. They dropped you off at our house at 3, sounds like it was perfect timing because Daddy was just getting home. You must have missed your momma because Daddy sent me a text saying "It totally sounds like Amelia is saying mama. She goes 'mamamamamamamamamamamamama' over and over while she's playing in her bouncer. Hilarious." I loved that! It made my day! Sounds like Papa Jim came over for a bit Saturday and hung out with you and Daddy.
At the cabin, we took naps, had deep conversations and did a whole lot of sitting around. We went out to dinner and then to the Roadhouse for some more fun.
Sunday - Daddy had to help Grandma Kiki with some stuff on Sunday with uncle doodie so you went with them.
I made all of the girls get up at a decent time at the cabin so we could get on the road. I couldn't spend one more minute without seeing you. We were on the road by 10:04am. We got home at 2. I rushed home, you and Daddy weren't home yet. I was so disappointed. You finally got home a little over an hour later and you gave me a big smile when I saw you!! You and I took a nap together in Mommy and Daddy's bed. Then we played and it was bed time already.
I'll have some more pictures soon from girls weekend and I'm sure Cookie took some pictures of you from the weekend.
She was saying Mamaamamama and we thought the exact same thing...