Daddy put you in the cutest outfit yesterday. Robin brought this for you when you were first born and Daddy has been waiting for you to fit into it!

While Daddy was at the dentist, you were hanging with Grandma Kiki at work. She said that you were sitting on her lap while she was typing up a document. You reached up and typed "dadz". I already knew you were a Daddy's girl but this really proves it! Silly girl!
Daddy made white chicken chili for dinner. It was G-O-O-D and only 5 points for 1 cup. We ate dinner and I worked on the t-shirt transfers for the girls weekend t-shirts. We ran out of toner so I had to run up to Walgreens and get some more. Daddy said you were crabby so he fed you a little early. When I got home, he was just putting you down in your crib. I made it just in time to read you a book and say goodnight. You slept until 7 again this morning! I can't believe what a good sleeper you are!
Today has been such an exciting day. I got into work at my normal 8 oclock time. I was sitting at my desk, working when I got a call from Annie.
Me "No, why?"
Annie "They are reading Marni's email"
Then my phone rang...First, I'll give you a little background. Star Party is a yearly concert that KDWB has. This year Kelly Clarkson is going to be there so of course I want to go. I've been trying to win tickets for WEEKS. After unsuccessful calls at the touchtones...I came up with a plan. A good plan. I had a bunch of my co-works send emails saying how annoying I was being about calling and to just give me some tickets. Here's the email they read on the air this morning...
Dear Mr Ryan -
My coworker Courtney is driving us all crazy at work, call on the 10’s every stinkin hour on speaker phone. We have all banned together to send you a bunch of emails to get this girl some tickets so we can have some peace and quiet around the office. She’s even making some of us call for her.
So, Monday Marni tells me that they wrote her back asking for my phone number. We thought they would call right away but they didn't. So on with today's story...I answer my phone at work
"This is Courtney"
"Courtney, this is so and so from need to stop..."
Me "Dave Ryan, I know this is you, I heard you on the radio"
They proceed to ask me if I want to go to Star party. I had to break their hearts (and their prank call bit) and tell them I already had won tickets. BUT they gave me 2 more tickets to give to my co-workers. None of them can go so I gave the extra pair to Wendy who really really really wanted to go! I'm sooo looking forward to the concert but I will have a lot to do tonight to get ready for girls weekend! YIPPIE, I will miss you lots tho!
PS - I just weighed in at Weight Watchers. I lost 1.6 pounds this week with a grand total of 6! I'll take it!
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