We had such a fun weekend! Friday, I picked you up from Glamma and Cookie's house and we went home and did nothing.
Saturday -
We are dog sitting Kaia and Raja. You love Kaia.
Daddy worked so you and I played for a little bit. You practiced saying Momma. We went to Old Navy and Subway. Daddy got home around 3 and we got ready to go over to Sarah and Justins for a BBQ. We had a great time over there and they did a wonderful job hosting. There were a bunch of us there: Sarah, Justin, Wendy, Elijah, Molly, Matt, Owen, Katie, Jeff, Kia, Jason, Teegan, Omer, Pon, Brad, Sara and Madalyn. I hope I didn't forget anyone. We stayed until about 730, then it was time to go home.
You at Sarah and Justin's with your party hat on. Look at Daddy's silly face!
First, we stopped by Glamma and Cookies to grab your pack and play.
Sunday, Daddy was suppose to work but ended up not having to! YIPPIE!
Here you are lookin like a cool chick
This picture is hilarious!
Cheering for the Twins!
We dropped you off at Grandma Kiki's at 3pm for your sleepover. Great Grandma Babcock (Gigi) was there too! We said our goodbyes and went home to wait for Aunty Pam and Jax to pick us up to go to Liebs for the shower. We had so much fun. Ryan and Chelsey's wedding is on Saturday...It will be a blast!
Monday, Daddy went over to Papa Jim's at 10 and they went to the cabin to put in the docks. I picked you up at Kiki's and we stay and chatted for awhile. It sounds like you were great! You had fun with Kiki and Gigi! We decided to make a surprise stop at the Colehour's where Pam and Jackson were! We had lunch over there, then went home for a nap! Daddy got home around 5. We sat outside for a bit until bed time. What a great weekend!!
Raja and Kaia checkin you out.
Daddy sent me this picture this morning...you are too dang cute!!

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