We had a busy night last night. Before Daddy got home, you laughed at the remote and diet coke can and I laughed at you...
Daddy got home from work and we went on a walk. After the walk, we had dinner and I did some laundry and straightened up your room. I started packing your stuff for Milwaukee, I want to make sure I don't forget anything. You require a lot of stuff. Hats, jackets, 2 outfits for each day, pjs, formula, wipes, diapers, oatmeal, bowl, spoon, bumbo, front carrier, stroller...
Your laundry just finished as it was time for bed so you got some nice warm pjs! You weren't falling asleep very fast last night so Daddy rocked you while I watched American Idol. I'm so glad my fav was not even in the bottom 3. He can thank me for voting for him 1203980 times.
This is how I was greeted this morning...
I love your smiley morning bed pics you take of Amelia! So cute!