We have lots to catch up on...
Friday - I went to the Britney Spears concert with Colleen. We had sooo much fun. Britney was awesome and looked better than ever. The theme was "Circus" and it really was like a circus without any live animals. It was fun!
Here's a fun fact: Britney Spears and Mommy have the same birthday, except she is a year younger than me...
You and Daddy hung out Friday night by yourselves. Sounds like you were a little crabby but you slept well.
Saturday - We went to Ana's birthday party over at Papa Jim's. It was fun and Ana got lots of cool gifts!
We went home and just had some family time.
Sunday - Daddy had to work but we had your first Easter celebration! The Dirks (Papa Jim's side) always celebrates Easter on Palm Sunday. So we went. You had on such a cute little outfit but spit up on it the second we walked in the door.
You took 2 naps while we were there and looked cute...

(Amelia with Jon...he's single ladies)
Tonight we are going to go over to Shelly's house for a play date with Bella and Lindsey! Fun!
ohhhh that outfit w/ the tutu is ADORABLE