I'm such a bad blogger on the weekends...
Friday -
Daddy had a half day so he picked meet the Carlsons at Ridgedale and took you home. When I got home, we went outside and played for a bit while Daddy picked up Norman's #2's
You loved being outside...
Daddy made steaks on the grill. We watched Slum Dog Millionaire after you went to bed. Saturday morning, you woke up at 530 and wouldn't go back to sleep. You had your first snuggle fest in Daddy and Mommy's room. We all fell asleep for a few hours. Saturday was a big day. You had a sleep over at Glamma & Cookie's while Daddy and I went to the Twins game! I was a little sad leaving you, even cried on the way home after dropping you off. I missed you so much. We had fun at the game...
We picked you up at 10ish and it sounds like you had a great time! You went to Ben's Lacrosse Game, hung out with Glamma, Cookie, Shannon, Gram Gram, Amy and Ross.

(Ben is in the goal)

They said you did great over night. Only got up at 430 for your paci and then 530 to eat! Such a good baby. Hopefully you sleep that well at Mr Stephens & Lydia's next weekend.
After we picked you up on Sunday, Sarah came over and her and I went to Salad Creations. Yum. Aubrey and Doodie came over because Daddy made some beef and pork in the smoker (yuck if you ask me.) After they left, I watched Marley & Me downstairs. Cried my eyes out, its such a sad movie. Even Daddy cried when he watched it. We love Norman.
We had a great weekend! Only a 4 day work week because we leave for Milwaukee Friday morning!
She is growing up so much! J had started to make a face that i think makes him look just like amelia! (that second picture of him in the swing on my last blog)