I think its hilarious.
We went home for the night. Daddy beat us home. We cleaned up a little bit, ate and started to watch the movie Twilight. I thought it was really weird and didn't really get the whole hype. I ran to target so we could try Oatmeal instead of rice cereal. Daddy had a friend stop by for a little bit to talk (dorky) Play Station 3 stuff. After he left, we just hung out. We started feeding you the oatmeal, you LOVED it! You couldn't get enough and would start crying if we didn't get it fast enough. Thanks for the tip Grandma Kiki and Jaymi!
Daddy is at work today so its just me and you for the day. We are going to Jayden's 2nd birthday party at 2. Daddy should be home from work around 4. I have my monthly girls night tonight so you and Daddy will just be hangin out.
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