Today is your first St Patricks Day. I wonder what % Irish you are. I'm 25%, I don't think Daddy has any Irish in that would make you 12.5%.
Yesterday was such a beautiful day outside so you and I went for a walk after I wrote your blog. You fell asleep and I took you out of your car seat to snuggle with you and started to cry and wouldn't settle down. I fed you early and you fell right asleep after eating.
We are going to have a girls weekend! Glamma and Cookie are flying Daddy out to Virginia to hang out with Uncle Billy for Billy's birthday present. So its going to be just us chicks! We'll have fun!
Today Pam and Jax come in town! YIPPIE! I can't wait to see them! Jackson is 4 months today. Happy 4 Month Birthday Jax!!
Today is also a very special day because (hopefully) your new buddy Finnegan Miller will be born today. His mommy was induced this morning at 10 so hopefully he makes his debut today! How prefect is that...Finnegan on St Patricks Day!!
Here are some more pictures from Sunday:

She is so sweet....I just want to pinch those cheeks!