Last night Daddy worked so you and I hung out all night. I played with you on the floor for the majority of the night. You took your time eating your nightly 8 ounces and were in your crib at about 840. You slept until 615! Such a good little sleeper!
One year ago today, I found out I was pregnant with you! The weekend started out bad, Friday March 7th I found out I was laid off. We were heading up to the Millers cabin for a weekend of fun before uncle Billy left for the Navy. I'm really good about not letting stress get to me so I was able to have a fun weekend. Saturday I was really tired all day and Glamma said to me "Are you sure you aren't pregnant?" and I figured I wasn't after a few disappointing months of negative pregnancy tests that it was going to be the same. I told her "no." I took a pregnancy test when I got home Sunday and it was negative. Monday March 10th, Daddy went to work and I stayed home and laid in bed all day. I decided to take another test and this time it was POSITIVE! It was just a cheap dollar store one so I
was skeptical that it was right. I called Daddy and told him as I was driving to Walgreens to take another test. I ran in and got the test and drove home as fast as possible. I took the test and it was positive!!!

I called Daddy and he was so excited. I couldn't keep this excitement to myself so I called Molly! After that, I went back to Walgreen's and got the picture developed of the above. I bought a frame that had magnets on the back. I drove up to Glamma's work and put it on her car and tried to hide but she saw me. Such a fun day!!! I can't believe it was already a year ago!
Here you are a few weeks later:

PS - Today Kelly Clarkson's new cd came rules. I'm listening to it on repeat all day.
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