You were great! You fell asleep about half way to Milwaukee. Its not a very long flight to Milwaukee. We had to switch planes to go to DC. You fell asleep again on the way to DC. You seriously did not make a sound. We got to DC, hopped in our rental car and followed the directions that I had printed from the hotel's website. We started heading north, which seemed a bit odd concedering Billy, Pam and Jackson's house is South of DC. We thought there was no way the directions could be wrong. We finally pulled over to ask someone and they confirmed our belief...we were about 60 miles out of our way. Yikes. We finally got back on track and made it to Dahlgren, VA! Uncle Billy was just pulling in the driveway and Pam & Jackson met us outside! They live in a very cute gated community. We hugged and were so excited to see them! We ordered a pizza and took pictures of you two.
Me, you and Glamma went and checked into our nasty hotel around 8 and we were all so tired!
Saturday -
We went over to Billy, Pam and Jackson's around 10am. We went to lunch at a little Mexican Resturant. You and Jackson took naps.
We dropped Glamma off at the hotel so she could get ready and we went and hung out at PB&J's house for about 2 hours until we picked Glamma back up and took a 30 min car ride to Fredericksburg, VA. It was a nice drive. Fredericksburg was adorable. There were little shops, pubs and resturants. We walked around for awhile (it was 65 degrees!) until it was time to meet Susie, Jaye and Jeff at a spot that Jeff picked out. It was so good food! Susie painted Mommy and Daddy a picture of Norman that was really neat and you and Jackson got matching onesies! It was so fun to see them and I'm so glad it worked out! We went back to Billy, Pam and Jackson's around 7ish. They had a few friends over and we ended up sleeping there.
Sunday -
Mommy didn't really feel very good and was still sleepy from the night before so Glamma got up with you while I took a nap. You watched tv with everyone and were perfect as usual. Guess what, your cousin Jackson laughed. Check out his blog to see the video! It was too cute. Now its your turn now that we are with Daddy. We had a lazy day snuggling up on the couch. Billy gave me and Glamma a tour of the base. It was pretty cool! It was 70, yes 70 degrees outside! It was so nice!
We had to leave for the airport at 4pm. We said our sad goodbyes. We are going to miss them so much. Hopefully we'll get to see them again soon!
We didn't get lost on the way back to the airport (thank goodness!) You were entertaining Glamma and I are the airport. At one point, Glamma was holding you and you spit up all over her. It was pretty funny :) We got on the airplane and you fell asleep. You didn't wake up until we got home at 12:15am! Daddy was so excited to see you! He stayed up with you and fed you.
We are happy to be home in our own beds but will miss Billy, Pam and Jax so very much! Thanks for the fun weekend everyone!
Click here to see the rest of our pictures from the weekend!
Sounds like you guys had a blast! Love those pictures. Millie,,,, don't let your disgusting cousin pick his belly button, it's gross. He does have a great laugh though, even with the hiccups.
ReplyDeleteMr. Stephens