It's Monday story time on Tuesday. Today will be about getting to know your parents!
How we met:
Daddy worked at Snuffy's Malt Shop and Mommy worked at Coopers Supervalu in Minnetonka. Daddy use to come down and buy ice cream for the restaurant and come thru Mommy's check out line. Mom's friend Erin was going to Prom with Daddy's (old) best friend Chad and Daddy didn't have a date...he's shy. So Erin suggested that he ask me! He did! Prom came and went.
A few years later, Mommy's friends started hanging out at Daddy's old house. I finally went with them to a bar in St Louis Park. Mommy and Daddy's first date was 4/17/2003, we went bowling and just for the record, I bet him.
We got engaged 6/17/2004 and were married 9/17/2005!

(this picture is silly but so are we! There was a bee and Daddy was scared of it!)
I had Daddy fill this survey out and will have others fill it out when its their turn for "Getting to know..."

Your Name: Ryan Dirks
Nick Names: RyDir
Birthday: 9/13/80
Heritage: German (go killers...inside joke with aunty Pam) and mutt
Where were you born: Minneapolis, MN
Where did you go to High School: Minnetonka
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Food: Anything smoked
Favorite TV Show: Lost
Favorite Movie: Shawshank Redemption
Favorite Song: Wish you were here by Pink Floyd
Favorite Store: Sam's Club
Favorite Sports Team: Minnesota Vikings
Job: Deliver Groceries
Are you married: Yup
Have children: 1
Best Friend: Chitwood
Do you have any pets: 1 dog, the Nermanator
Best Vacation: Florida with the Colehours/Stephens/Kuelz/Nelson/Gloppen's
What city do you live in: Hopkins
Hobbies: Fantasy Sports, Video Games, Hunting and Fishing
Who are you more like, your mom or dad: Dad
What's your pet peeve: These surveys and bad drivers
Morning or Night person: Defiantly night
What are you allergic to: Dust, Cats, Dogs and birch trees
How do you know Amelia: She's my daughter
Does Amelia look like Ryan or Courtney: Courtney, thank god.
When did you first meet Amelia: October 30th at 8:40am
Mommy's turn...

Your Name: Courtney Anne Dirks (nee Stephens)
Nick Name: Court, Courts, CDir, Nore, Bones
Birthday: 12/2/1980
Heritage: German, Irish, Welch...
Where were you born: Minneapolis, MN (the only baby born that day in the hospital)
Where did you go to High School: Hopkins. Go Royals :)
Favorite Color: Red but lately its been Brown
Favorite Food: Chips
Favorite TV Show: American Idol
Favorite Movie: Wizard of Oz
Favorite Song: Brown Eyed Girl
Favorite Store: Target
Favorite Sports Team: Vikings or Twins
Job: Preproduction Coordinator
Are you married: Yup!
Have Children: YOU!
Best friend: Besides Daddy, Molly.
Do you have any pets: NORMAN!
Best Vacation: Europe
What city do you live in: H-O-P-K-I-N-S
Hobbies: Amelia, TV, Napping and baking
Who are you more like, your mom or dad: Just like my mom
What's your pet peeve: Rude people, people who chew with their mouths open...
Morning or night person: morning...always have been
What are you allergic to: some cats
How do you know Amelia: I'm her mom!
Does Amelia look like Ryan or Courtney: Ryan's eyes, the rest me.
Where did you first meet Amelia: October 30th, 2008
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