You ALMOST rolled over yesterday...
But its Monday story day so we must move on.
Today's topic is about Jackson Jude Stephens. Your cousin.
Here's his stats:
Born: 11/17/2008 at 3:55am
Weight: 8 pounds 9 ounces
Height: 21 1/2"
Parents: Billy & Pamela
You first met Jackson on his birthday, November 17th. You were 18 days old.

I think you may have still been smaller than him the day he was born, even tho he was younger than you.
He looked just like aunty Pam when she was a baby. Hopefully he'll be as pretty, I mean handsome as her some day.
I can't wait for them to move back so you guys can be BEST FRIENDS!
Jackson is getting bigger and bigger everyday. He has the funniest personality. He does this super funny cry where he sounds like a pterodactyl.
Here are some of the things Jackson loves...
His mommy and daddy, farting, pooping, smiling, looking handsome, baths. Sounds pretty much like you except you hate baths.
We miss him (and his parents) everyday!
Jackson teared up at this posting.... he misses you guys!