Dear Amelia -
I hope you had a fun day at Grandma Kiki's house. You always do! Kiki had some friends over - Peggy and Rocco for dinner so Kiki requested you stay a bit later to meet them. I went to High School with their kids. They bought you an adorable outfit! Daddy said you were well behaved while I was at Kellee's shower.
We had a lot of fun at the shower. In attendence were: The Bride aka Kellee, Nicol, their Mom, their Aunt, Trishy, Glamma, Gram Gram, Anner, Amy, Katie, Kris - Kellee's future Mother in Law, Pam and Jax. Kellee's got lots of awesome gifts. After most of the people left, I was helping Nicol and Kellee bring out the gifts to the car. We left the front door open and a bird got into the house. It was one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life. The bird finally flew out the front door after they (I laid on the floor laughing and screaming) shooed it away.
Nicol took much better pictures but here are mine...
See the birdy up in the top of the ceiling? Poor thing.
Here you are on the way to daycare this morning.
Sunday, we are going to go try out a new church the make it home in time for the Vikings game!!
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