Glamma sent over some pictures from your sleepover.

Glamma titled this one:
Cousins "drinking" together.
Kellee had a great idea that this should be the invite to your 21st birthdays.

This picture is from your afternoon with Gram Gram. You must have been very tired!!
Daddy worked a triple yesterday so you and I just hung out for the night. We made white chicken chili to bring to Kia's tonight. She's still recovering from having Brecken. You were fast asleep by the time Daddy got home from work.
Mr Stephens requested a video of you this week. I took one last night but forgot to upload it before I left for work. I'll get it posted Monday.
Mr Stephens and Lydia got you the neatest CD for your first birthday. It sings songs directly to you! One of the songs was "Amelia, I like playing with you!" Its a really cool cd and I listened to it even after I dropped you off at daycare :) hehe.
Tonight, Papa Jim is coming over to watch the Twins Game. Tomorrow, we are meeting Molly, Owen, Colton, Glamma, Cookie, Pam, Jax, Anner, Grace and Wilson at the Apple Orchard/Pumpkin Patch! I'm so excited. Then Saturday night, you are going to hang with Daddy while Pam and I go to a dress up party at Meghans. The theme is "Casablanca Couture." Should be fun. Sunday, a whole lotta nothin goin on!
I LOVE it when I make the blog!!! ;) Hopefully the idea is still memorable 20 years from now!!!