Dear Amelia -
We have lots of pictures to catch up on.

Mid-crabby ride at the Apple Orchard/Pumpkin Patch last weekend.

After you warmed up, you were being adorable for a mini photo shoot.
We had a great weekend. Friday night, we went over to Sarah and Justin's to see the updates they've done on the house. It looks great over there!!! Then we went home and just hung out.
Saturday. We didn't do much in the morning. At 1pm, we went over to Kia's so Mommy could get her hair cut. You played with Teegan and Sarah while Kia cut my hair. Then it was back home for a nap! Daddy got home around 4. We went to Eden Prairie Mall to get Daddy a new pair of jeans and I got a little skirt for $5 that goes with my swim suit! At 7pm, I went over to Kia's to hang out with the girls. Jason was out of town for the weekend so we all thought we'd go over there and give her a hand. Teegan ended up getting sick so it was a good thing we were there to help!
Sunday. VIKINGS FOOTBALL DAY! We intended to go to Church on Sunday but that didn't end up happening. Instead, I packed for Daddy and I's trip to ARIZONA! We don't leave until Thursday but I love to pack early to make sure I have everything. Around 11, we went over to Glamma and Cookie's to watch the Vikings game. Jax was over there already...
The Vikings pulled out another win! They are undefeated.

You two wore your matching Winona State Jersey's to have a fall photo shoot.

LUNCH TIME! Shortly after this adorable picture was taken, Jackson accidently pushed the table over and you bonked your head.

Remember when you use to beat him up?


Here you are trying to drink you bottle with your paci in!
Here's a video of you being a DIVA!!
Daddy just called a bit ago to say one of your top teeth broke thru! YEAH!