I think someone is getting some more teeth! You have a runny nose and a little diaper rash going on. Plus you've been waking up crying in the middle of the night. Other than that, you've been a delight!
Last night, we went to Target because you were out of food and Mommy and Daddy needed some stuff as well. After that, we went home. Here's some proof of how cute you are...
I wanted to tell you what your schedule is on a daily basis so we can look back and see how much it has changed in a few months.
You usually wake up around 630, talk to yourself in your crib for a bit then Daddy or I comes and gets you and we all snuggle in bed for a bit.
You aren't much of a morning eater, so you have 1 thing of baby food - fruit.
Around 2 hours later, you have a bottle then its time for a short nap (less than an hour)
3 hours after the bottle, you have lunch which is a lot of oatmeal and some other people food
after that, nap time again...usually longer, around 2 hours)
Then a bottle.
Around 530, we always give you about a 6 ounce bottle to fill your tummy so you don't get too hungry before dinner. Dinner starts with you hoping in your highchair for big people food (cheese, fruit, bread, cherrios, baby cereal) around 7.
715 - 730, I feed you a thing of baby food, veggies and oatmeal then Daddy feeds you a small bottle.
Then we go downstairs. Daddy changes your diaper and puts on your pj's while I read you a book. Then you go into your crib for the night until we do it all again :)
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