We had so much fun up at the cabin for the long weekend! While we were in the car on the way up, Molly sent me a video of you...WAVING! You haven't stopped waved since you learned how to wave. it's adorable. (Sorry, I tried to upload the video but it won't work!)
Saturday - You woke up around 630. We waited for everyone to wake up while we snuggled on the porch. After everyone was up, we went out to the grill fire pit and watched Katie make breakfast. At one point, I sat down on my chair and accidently sat on a bee. That little bee stung me right in my butt!! Didn't hurt real bad but it did sting. After breakfast, I started to feel sick so you and I took a nap and that did the trick. Daddy got up to the cabin Saturday night around 5 with Norman. After you went to bed, some of the fam went up about 4 cabins where there was a really fun band. We sang and danced. Glamma, Gram Gram and Molly stayed at the cabin with you while you slept.
Sunday - You slept until 730! Good thing too because Mommy and Daddy were tired from staying up playing games. We didn't really do all that much on Sunday. It was a little rainy so we spent some of the day inside.
Monday - We got up early and decided to head over to the wheat field to take your 9 month pictures! It was beautiful out and you were in a great mood. The pictures turned out AWESOME!!! Best ones yet! Cookie does such an amazing job. Here's my fav...check the rest out HERE.

Tuesday - Up early.

We started packing for home. We had so much fun at the cabin but you require a lot of stuff so we needed to pack up early. Awesome Uncle Aldo had to be back in Winona by 4 so we left the cabin around 930. Made it to Minnetonka by 1. Pretty decent timing. You were perfect in the car, no crying!
I'll upload some more pictures from the cabin this week!
Courts - those pictures are AMAZING...Amelia is soooo beautiful!!! I have already said it 48,351 times, but seriously, Scott is required to bring his camera to my wedding!!!