Dear Amelia -
On Saturday, I got a CNN Breaking News alert on my phone that Whitney Houston had died. So sad. It seems like yesterday I posted this blog about Michael Jackson dying.
Grade story # 41 is told almost every family gathering about Anner thinking her cousin Kenny was shot when it was really President Kennedy. I always find it interesting that Glamma remembers the day that he died and can remember interesting details.
Whitney Houston was the meaning of 80's music. SHE WAS AWESOME. I mean seriously awesome.
And then came the 90's. The Bodyguard was a HUGE hit!! The song "I will always love you" still gives me the goosebumps. So good.

Sad, huh? I was just telling Jason that if I had to musically define my childhood, Whitney and Michael would probably be the main contributors. I have to add that I am hoping the music scene changes drastically in the next few years...I don't want Amelia, Xavier, and Maxwell saying this same thing someday about Lady Gaga, Nikki Minaj, and LMFAO. That. Would. Be. So. Tragic!!!