Dear Amelia,
Your daddy was born 30 years ago on the evening of September 13, 1980, in Shakopee, Minnesota, at St. Francis Hospital. He was 2 weeks early. His due date was September 28. I remember that day - it was a beautiful sunny, warm, fall day and we went to the hospital around 2pm after having contractions for a couple of days. I was so excited that it was finally time to find out who your dad was! Papa Jim and I didn't know if we were having a boy or a girl, so when your dad was born, we were both so happy to see that he was a boy!
I remember a crabby nurse telling me that my labor pains couldn't possibly hurt that much, but little did she know, my little boy had a perfectly round, large, solid head that happened to be turned upside down during the whole process and was pressing on my kidneys! I just about tore that nurse's head off...anyways....your Dad came out quietly with just a little whimper, and he has had the same demeanor his whole life. He looked at me with those eyes of his and I fell in love that moment.
Your Dad Ryan, weighed 7# 13oz when he was born. By his one month checkup, he weighed over 12 pounds, true story! The nurse took his sleeper off and weighed him again, then his t-shirt, then his diaper and he still weighed over 12 pounds. They couldn't believe it! He was quite a chow hound, and when I would nurse him in a public place, he made so many slurping noises and hmmmm's and smacked his lips and grunted, that people would be looking at me sideways, probably wondering what in the world I had under that baby blanket!
Your Dad was a pretty serious little fellow. Papa Jim would set him in the palm of his hand and he'd just sit there and look at us with a serious look on his face, or sometimes even a scowl! He seemed much older than his days - so we fondly referred to him as a wise old man in a baby's body. But once he found his smile, it was infectious! What a cutie! And we all know the signature Ryan-giggle! We have fondly called him "Rydie" all these years. His middle name, August, came from Papa Jim, your great grampa Dirks, and your great-great grampa Dirks, and maybe even before that!
Your auntie Jaymi was 2 years old when we brought your daddy home to a little brown house we lived in in Eden Prairie. She though he was pretty cool and liked to help change his diapers, but once the novelty wore off, she bit his 2 middle fingers and left teeth marks! Ouch! But they sure got along great after he got bigger and they could play together.
One more thing, your daddy loved the Dukes of Hazzard tv show. He always called it Dukes IN Hazzard, and the only way he would agree to get potty trained was if we got him the Dukes of Hazzard bright orange race car as a special treat to bribe him. It worked like a charm! He was potty trained by 2 years old and that is very early for a boy! He still has that car today.
You are one lucky little girl to have such a nice daddy. He is so patient and gentle with you, and loves you very much! From that little 7-pounder, he has grown up into a full grown, wonderful man who takes such good care of you and your mom!
Happy Birthday to my boy, and your dad, Ryan. He is so very special!
Gramma Kiki
Such a sweet post!!! There were tears a couple times as I read it...
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Ryan!!!