Dear Amelia -
I've been slackin on the bloggin. Its been a busy week. Since we've been down to one car, Glamma has been carpooling with us to work. We've slept at their house 2 nights in a row. Tonight is your only night at home because tomorrow you are sleeping over there because Mommy is headed to New York City on Friday! Mommy's boss is producing a play on Broadway and they have their first "reading" Friday and he invited me to go! I can't wait. Nicol and Kellee will be jealous to know that he told me he's going to introduce me to some dude from the TV show Lost. I don't watch the show but I already think its cool! Whoopi Goldberg is also a producer so I'm hoping she'll be there too so I can meet her! I leave Friday morning and come back Saturday morning! I'll take tons of pictures. We are staying in Times Square. Yay!
Friday night, you are headed down to Winona for your first camping trip! Cookie rented a 30' motorhome! After Daddy gets home from work Saturday, we will drive down to meet you. We'll watch Awesome Uncle Aldo's football game then head back to the campsite!
Here is a video of you from last weekend dancing. I'm not sure where you learned this awesome dance move but I love it!
Here's a picture of you celebrating a Vikings VICTORY!

We picked up our new 2 door Honda civic today! WOO HOO! It'll be nice to have 2 cars again!