Dear Amelia -
Sorry for not posting a blog Friday!We had such a great weekend! Daddy and I got a ton of stuff down around the house. Friday after work, you and I went to pick out some paint for the front entry of our house. Then we picked Daddy up from work and headed over to Glamma and Cookie’s for dinner and you had a sleepover! I painted the entry way that night.
Saturday, we woke up early and cleaned out the garage! It feels so good to get all of the junk out of there! One trip to the dump and we were all set. We were thinking about getting rid of both of our cars to get 1 car that got better gas mileage so we went to VW to test a Passat. We loved it but decided to keep both cars!
You went with Glamma and Cookie to the Farmers Market in the morning and helped garden when you got home!

Sunday, you slept in for us then came and cuddled in bed. You love to “sing” the ABC’s.
Daddy made you pancakes for breakfast. You ate 5 of them!!! I think you are in the middle of a growth spurt! After breakfast, we went to Target. Then back home for a nice long nap while Daddy and I played Mario Brothers. So fun. When you got up, Mommy’s friend Erin came over for a visit. She’s pregnant with her first baby...a girl :)

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