Dear Amelia -
FUN FUN FUN weekend!!! Friday night, we went over to the Colehour’s for the first night of our sleepover! We went to bed at a decent time as Daddy had his alarm set for 5:45am! You woke up at 5am for no reason and wouldn’t go back to sleep. That was fun! Not. We were bad on Saturday and skipped swimming lessons. Instead, we went to meet Sarah and Brueggers with Molly, Owen and Colton.
FUN FUN FUN weekend!!! Friday night, we went over to the Colehour’s for the first night of our sleepover! We went to bed at a decent time as Daddy had his alarm set for 5:45am! You woke up at 5am for no reason and wouldn’t go back to sleep. That was fun! Not. We were bad on Saturday and skipped swimming lessons. Instead, we went to meet Sarah and Brueggers with Molly, Owen and Colton.
Kiki dropped you off around 10am. You were sound asleep in the car. So cute!!! You were doing all sorts of funny stuff on Sunday. Owen and I were singing The Wheels on the Bus to you and you would sing a long with us “uh, uh, uh” instead of “up and down” so cute! The other funny thing you did was so funny, I can’t stop thinking about it. I said to you “Amelia, do you have a poop in your diaper?” you looked at me, fell on the floor as fast as possible, pulled your legs up in the air. Then you grabbed a wipe and started to wipe your own butt (thru your pants.) It was hilarious.
Daddy got home around 4 and we headed straight home! It was a long weekend away from home but we had lots of fun!!! Daddy smelt a new poopy in your diaper and you led him back to the Anne Frank room to change your diaper. You are getting so smart.
- I bet you are wondering why we call it the Anne Frank room...its a really small room and I started to call it that when we first moved in and it has stuck.
Today you had a doctors appt to get the mole on your neck checked out. You’ve had it for a long time so I thought that we better be safe than sorry. Everything was fine. Its just a normal mole! After the dermatologist, we decided to take you to get some blood drawn to see if you have an allergies to nuts/peas. We’ve been sitting on these lab papers for awhile because we haven’t been to the doctor since your year check up. You didn’t even cry when they stuck the needle in your arm. They took 3 tubes of blood. You started to cry (hard) as the began to take the last tube of blood. Once they took it out, you were all better! Such a big girl!!!
See the mole?
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