Dear Amelia -
You went to the doctor yesterday for your 15 month check up! The first thing the doctor said is that the test results were back and you are NOT allergic to nuts or peas!!! YIPPPPPIE!!!! Here is a picture of you trying your first bite of peanut butter!

I hated to think that you may never get to eat peanut butter because it is SO delish! Everything else went really well at the doc. I’ll post your stats on Friday. I forgot the sheet in your diaper bag!
The morning didn’t start out so well yesterday. Mommy drove into a snow bank right in our alley and was stuck for 45 mins. You were a perfect angel in the back seat until Cookie came and rescued us! All it took was one little push! Then we were on our way to daycare!
Here is your new favorite I know you didn’t get this from Mommy...
