Who dat? The saint dat. BOOO! We really thought we were going to the SUPERBOWL but no such luck. The Vikings out played the silly Saints but a win is a win and the Saint’s did just that. I think Kellee said it best via Facebook “Kellee Jaglo is extremely disappointed...not extremely surprised, but extremely disappointed! :’(“ For the record, the refs sucked.
Friday, Mommy went to meet baby Ryder while you and Daddy hung out. Ryder is so cute and calm. He didn’t cry once while I was there. You on the other hand haven’t been feeling well so you cried when I left to go see Ryder and when it was bed time. We ended up turning our monitor off in the middle of the night so you would not get use to us going in there every time you make a peep. Guess it worked because you pretty much slept thru the night Saturday and Sunday.
Saturday, We went to Swimming class which you LOVED this week! WOO HOO! You splashed and laughed. It was fun! Then when we got home, you took a 3 hour and 15 minute nap while Daddy went ice fishing!
Sunday, I drove you over to Glamma and Cookies so Daddy and I could get some serious cleaning done. The house is spic and span now! WOO HOO! Then we headed back over to the Colehours for the football games. You were such a good girl all day but around 645, you were so tired and all you wanted to do was sleep.

Last but not least, here you are doing your best impression of Norman.
How cute is Norman?
Norman was over the game...
Today you are home with Daddy. Hope you are behaving!!
#1 I LOVE it when I "make the blog"
ReplyDelete#2 I LOVE it when you post videos
#3 I LOVE Amelia's swimsuit...it actually makes me want to have a girl VERY badly...which means that Jason and I will have boys! :( LOL!!!