Dear Amelia -
Wow...what a weekend! Friday night, we celebrated your birthday over Bean Burritos and cupcakes! You got a really cool gift from Kiki and Papa Jim. An interactive horse that you can ride on. You love it! I think we might steal the idea for Jax for his birthday :) Maybeee! So much fun. You loved your cupcake!

Saturday - We spent the most of the day with Molly, Owen and Colton until Daddy got home. Then it was time to go trick-r-treating. We went to Papa Jims, Glamma and Cookies, Grandma Kiki's and Sarah and Justins. By the time we got home, you were not loving your ADORABLE puppy costume!

Here's you and Jackson playing with candy. He was the cutest little devil :)

Sunday - The big PAR-TAY!! There were about 50 people there. We served white chicken chili, turkey soup and MORE CAKE!! You were a MESS!

You got so many awesome gifts! So spoiled! I have lots more pictures but I can't share them yet because we are sending out some of them for your thank you card.
You are saying some new words..."Doggy", "Baby" and "Daddy". Everytime you see one of those things, you say their names. No "Mommy" yet...still "Mama" tho.
It was daylight savings time yesterday, it will take a few days for all of us to get use to that!
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