Well, you had a weekend of firsts! Well, only 2 but that's a big deal. Friday, we hung out at the house and did nothing! Daddy worked all weekend so it was pretty low key.
Saturday, you woke up earlyyyy! We snuggled in bed for a little bit and then played and you were napping by 745! At 10, we went to the General Store and then back home to hang out. Daddy came home from work at 3. You and I were in the middle of a nap. At 4, we went over to Kiki's house for your first SWIM! You loved it!

We went home, had dinner and put you to sleep just in time to have webcam Happy Hour with Billy and Pam.
Sunday, Daddy went to work and you and I got ready for our lunch guests. Molly, Matt, Owen, Kia, Jason, Teegan, BJ, Pon and Omer came over for a pre-parade BBQ. After lunch, we walked down to the parade where Jason had saved us a bunch of seats. You were such a good girl. 

Here you are at your first parade!
Owen waving to the firemen
Nap time during the very loud parade!
You and I left the parade early because Daddy was home from work and the parade was still going after 2 hours! We just had a family day the rest of the day. We hung outside for a bit, had dinner, went to target the it was bed time! You had a long day!
She looks so adorable in the pool...guess she likes to swim like her Mommy. Glamma