After our long night on Friday night, you and I hung low all day Saturday. We cleaned, ate and napped. Thats about it. Daddy got home from work at a decent time. We rented "He's just not that into you" and did nothing. It was cold and rainy outside. Perfect weekend to do nothin! Saturday night, you took a bath without you baby bath! We got this idea from Jane...Thanks Jane! You loved it. It made you feel like such a big girl!
Sunday, we woke up around 7 and were sick of sitting in the house so we went over to Glamma and Cookie's for a few hours. Glamma got you a super cute bib...isn't this cute? Almost as cute as your face!!

After you ate...we went with Glamma to pick out a new comfy chair for the Queen (Glamma.) We went to Schneiermans, Hom and Slumberland. You fell asleep in the car but not for long. After we got back, you had another bottle then we headed home for a nap. We snuggled in Mommy and Daddys bed until Daddy got home around 530.
Here you are having your dinner. You love your oatmeal!
Both you and Daddy are tired this morning. You didn't fall asleep last night until 11! Tonight, we are going to let you cry for an hour...we'll see how that goes. Hopefully no one calls the cops on us :)
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