I think Monday's are going to be days that I tell you other things than what we did the day before. Today's discussion will be, the day you were born...well, lets start with the day before.
Wednesday, Oct 29th: Daddy got up for work so Norman came in for his morning snuggle with Mommy. I got up to go to the bathroom. On my way back, I noticed my water had broken! In the movies, it's always this big gush of water so I wasn't sure that's what it was. I yelled to Daddy..."I think my water just broke" I told him to go to work and I'd call the doctor. When I called, the told me to take a shower and come on in. So, I called Daddy back...he hadn't even gotten to work yet. We went to the hospital where they confirmed that my water had broken. The first few hours were nothing...minor contractions. Glamma came around 1pm and hung out with us. The contractions started getting a lot worse later that afternoon. They gave me an epidural at 7, it didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would but it was very scary. I cried. Daddy and the nurse talked me through it tho. We took lots of naps and watched tv to wait for your arrival. Daddy rubbed my back and did whatever I asked him to, Glamma went and got daddy food and kept your website up to date for all of the egger people reading at home. Around 730 am on 10/30, it was time to push. Ma
n, that was hard work but worth every bit of it. You arrived at 8:40am. You were so pretty. Just a little tiny baby. Daddy went over and saw you and came back with tears in his eyes and told me how proud he was of me. After a few minutes they brought you over to me, I cried. You were perfect. It was the best day of my life, every day since then has been the best day. You are everything I ever wished for.

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