Dear Amelia -
So sorry its been over a week since I wrote in your blog. We had a busy weekend and a busy few following days!
Friday - I left you and Daddy back for the weekend while I went to Marit Swartout's wedding. Not only was Mike Swartout, Mr Stephens best friend from High School....Mike and Cyna are my god parents.

Mitchell, Cyna and Emmett

Mike and the beautiful bride, Marit
Saturday morning, you and Daddy made an hour trip to Clearwater to pick me up. Saturday night, we had a sleepover with Pam and Jaxy. You two are so cute together. You love to play and say each others names.
Sunday, we battled the weather and went out on the boat. You were not feelin the boat ride and cried/whined most of the time. The Kuelz have a friend in town from France. It was nice to speak with her. Sunday night, we offered to watch Jackson while Pam went to celebrate the 4th of July. You guys played together, ate together and bathed together...

Monday morning - You woke up with a temp. So you were just not yourself. You sat around...

and wanted to be cuddled most of the day. Before bed, your temp reached 103.5. I decided to not go to work the next day. At 4am, you woke up and your temp was 103.8. I called the nurse line and they suggested I bring you into the doctor. We figured you had croup...once you hear that seal cough, you'll never forget it.
All day Tuesday, you were super snuggly and tired. By the time it was time to go to the doc, you weren't lookin so hot.

When we got to the doctor, they checked your oxygen level. It was low, so low that they wanted you to take an ambulance to the hospital. After the bill we got when you are 10 days old, I knew we couldn't afford that. When I declined the ambulance, they gave you some medication from the nebulizer and a shot of steroids. After a while, you were feeling a bit better and there was no need to go to the hospital. Phew. While this was all going on, I called Daddy and told him to hurry from work. I also called Glamma because I knew she could get there fast. The both got there in speedy time. Thank goodness there are people around, otherwise I would have lost it!! Basically what the doctor thinks is you have croup but there's also a good chance you have Asthma. Daddy has it so none of us were real surprised.
You were looking much better after the doctor. Here you are using the nebulizer at home. The doc gave us a prescription for it and some meds.

Today you stayed home with Daddy. You guys hung out most of the day and had a follow up appointment with Doctor Walters. Everything is getting better but she gave you a lil more steroid medicine to help you recover quicker.
Tomorrow, its back to daycare!!